Friday, May 16, 2008


Today i went to see the magic of Mark B the anomaly. But before that me and ian went to interauto to get some head bolts. My car is being ghey, and it probably needs the head gasket redone.

Pictures begin now, click on them if you wish to see them bigger.

The outfit i wore today, Stussy shirt, Cheap monday jeans, and some vans (authentics)

Picture of my car before we go...

Chau holding the future dog star in the making, he is currently unsigned but is looking for an agent.

That one restaurant on that one pier at seaport village.

Mark, Chau, Ian, Fiasco, Looking for victims of the taping.

Other side of that eatery.

Coronado bridge.

Pond thingy.

After walking by the pond, we went inside the shopping area. We got mark to go to hot licks, the hot sauce store, and we got him to take a taste of the hottest hot sauce they had, he was not phased, although he did come out of the store coughing/clearing his throat, and his ears/face did turn slightly red.

Random building photo

Check out the cool trolley station

The Face of the week.

And again.

Random ass JNCO sticker i saw in mark's garage

After seaport we met up with girard and then we hit up PB to do some footage, Girard got hungry so we went to fat burger. Speaking of fat burger "Try a fat burger from now on, you can get yourself a double cheeseburger with fries for 2.95 faggot.". I had onion rings and Mr. Pibb. Vin diesel cant tell me what to do... even if he does have NAWS!

Waiting for the cross walk to change... i took a random photo.

Sometime after we went down garnet ave, got some footage, I saw a couple of mark's tricks for the first time, pretty interesting. PB wasent poppin enough so we went to down town. But before we left as we backing out of our parking spot in front of sinbads, some random white dude comes up to girards window and is like "do you know where i can get some bud?!" apparently brown people in a baller car know where to get some!?!?! but yeah we head to down town, ran into Marlon, let him feel the magic, see the magic. Stopped around other places and got some footage. Ran into Diane at martini ranch. Met up with jostin at decos, we almost got into decos to do some footage inside but apparently the "camera" Crew's apparel was not up to standard. Eventually we headed out cause there just wasent enough people out today. So we went to robertos off of convoy, by the wiener.

California, plain, nothing special going on with it.

1 comment:

don't make me over said...

its already june, why haven't you updated yet?!